Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Expressions: Say it Unclear…

Imagine a day, when you wake up in the morning and realize that people around have become stoic and there is nothing but one expression lynching over their faces. Even in your weirdest dreams, you would deny this delusion. Because, what is the use of living in a sane world? If there is chaos, tragedy, rage or anything that is considered wild, goes missing just for a few seconds – our lives will be nothing more than loathsome journeys. And, something that adds that fervor to this irreplaceable dimension of life is expressions. They say, they command and they tear your very soul apart – sometimes a twist of nose can signal the arrival of a storm. Let’s have a look or recall all those expressions that have been lingering there in your subconscious mind – even though you try to ebb these intruders many times.

Let’s begin with a demagogue or our very own agony teachers. No matter how far you go in your lives, but that intense stare of your teacher will always follow you – whether you want or not.

Teachers and Expressions: 
A teacher yelling at his students while his eyebrows are trying to reach somewhere above his head. And, when they (teachers) willingly try to embarrass you – just a foul smile carrying loads of excruciating sarcasm casts its spell on you entire living being. And, you end up feeling again that you are the most wretched soul on this Earth.

A usual scene in the office:
You have done nothing wrong, but you are always supposed to incur that superficial or genuine wrath of your boss – depends how you take it. A howl with an open mouth, raged eyes and you are done. OK, it’s more than enough for you. Come on, you are not alone in this Rat Race.

A fight scene:
This is not about all those popular sitcoms where story flows, grows and exaggerates, as it’s premeditated or strictly adhering with that hastily prepared script. Here its two individuals with bulging eyes and fiery expressions and when you witness something like this – you cannot help to think that only one of them will survive. They stare, bark, and in extreme cases some punches and a few kicks culminate a perfect fight scene. Again, here comes that deep seated irony, after a few moments these eternal enemies are looking for excuses to escape each other. You end up feeling like a cheated spectator who went to watch an over-hyped Hollywood flick because you were the unlucky one who watched it’s jumbled up trailer. So, it ends here. As usual it ends up without yielding any conclusion.

And the last one is our favorite, catfight:
Two women or girls whatever you like. Standing against each other to prove that they can be very nasty at times – and you are the lucky one to witness this saga. They look like the perfect wives of Satan with fire in their arms and a complete list of explicit vocabulary in their mouth. Their fight is very well complimented by all those grunts, ooh, aahs and all that you hear in those X-rated movies. They come, entertain and dwindle up like they were never there – another sad end to a women’s tale.

Just a few expressions to remind you – you can recall more to laugh out loud. With this world looking more fragile with the each passing day – it would be thousand times better, if all our anger and animosity stay limited to expressions only.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Workplace Bazooka: Sometimes I Think!

(Caution: Long post!)

With Inflation soaring, media moaning and nothing is happening as such – I got to think something! I begin this post with erratic statement, but you have to spare me. See, I tried very hard, but could not figure it out and finally thought to doodle it here.
See, it’s mechanical or satanical – whatever! Yeah, bit of hangover. What more would you expect from yourself, if your daily chores revolve around office, nagging boss, wicked colleagues and a bed (yeah, that’s what I call home these days). Well, that’s a common description of an office. I am not expecting any Empathy!

In case, I try to rub this dirt over my heavy-loaded brain, I feel like a loser – you know why? Because, we all got to run – once you are down, you are about to commit suicide in this Race cum Stampede – where the winners are not only judged by the time they take to finish the race, but also for extra score they get, while crushing the losers or weak contenders under their feet. OK, it sounds confusing. See, if once in a blue moon, I try to think beyond my office, next appraisal, next project or whatever next – I forcibly try to re-orient my mind to think what is important for me. After all, I got to buy a car very soon. And, this is what we call success these days. A successful man – crowded by things he gathers throughout his life. Bit Philosophical…So what? At least, here I can write what I feel. (And, if you are feeling yucky then sorry, I warned you in the beginning!)

And, this would continue. If that’s not true then do one thing, just take a break from your busy life – go to a hill station nearest to your bustling workplace…I mean, it should not take much of your seconds (each value a gold coin) when planning about this vacation. And the moment you would reach there, you might end up feeling (Lets say in 50-50 cases) as if you are disqualified from the race or other people might reach somewhere in the meantime. Or, your boss would give your 90% finished project to someone else. Scary situation indeed! Someone might take all the credit. See it’s beyond that common account book debit and credit. It’s about conspiracies, sycophants, and fools – all blend well to make a modern day workplace.

And, then you would feel that agonizing ennui. So, your final resort would be to come back to you workplace as soon as possible.

And, as you would reach office, while rubbing your middle finger on your laptop – you surely get that second life. That’s the influence of a mechanical life. In some way or another we feel like winner in those cubicles. Well that’s what I believe and any time if that second thought bites as, whenever we ask that question to ourselves – This is what we call life? Then, you get your antidote ready. Yes, just get bit nostalgic. Think about your college days, when you made a promise to yourself that someday I Would reach here, there and nowhere (Oops! Bit cynical, can’t help it, born with these traits). And, when you compare your HMT Old Days with OMEGA present life – you just love those three small walls of your cubicle and pay enough attention to all that around you – laptop, pen, notepad…or…

OK, now that you have reached here (Congratulations: Praiseworthy Effort), you must be thinking that, what I am puking about is not clear yet! See, I am like all those happy-go-with-salary people, who let their lives flow with the wind – and, we are happy too! After all, that’s why we studied and tolerated all those moments when we felt that this is not the way we should lead our lives. Because every now and then, this human quotient (or my lazy side…bit sick of this routine life) gives us those pangs that our so-called feelings are also constrained by this robotically maneuvered life – we either plan to take a short break or write about it. Yes, I am doing that.

Now that you have remained with me for so long…here comes the conclusion!

We are just spending our time…and we have no problems because everybody does it! That’s how the life goes…See, I tried to write something…I forgot…and ended up…don’t know what!

So, our thinking has also turned mechanical. Great! I am not feeling anything.